
just another brick in the wall???

i tried many names......'iamconfused', 'whatthe' F$$k, 'wassupp', 'bullshit' , hell i even tired 'blurp'....!!!!
but...again and again....the same old msg.......

when was the last time u ever created a new mail id.....or a regular user name........??? were u told by the 'supreme' server to use another name coz the one u wanted was already being used by some other jobless person tryin to make his mark in here...in the nothingness of the cyberworld...!!!????

God knows how many more ppl like me.........sitting in a dim lit room, with soreing eyes, at 1:30 in the morning, all alone......tried even more wierder names....jsut to find an identity........to be noticed....in this vast sea...!!!

as the nothingness inside me creeps in......i just like to remind myself......"yes...i am nothing...but just another brick in the wall....."


PS: i ended up using didntfindanyname.blogspot.com :)

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