

The wait in the Office, just to look good in front of Boss's eyes........
15 Kms of extra travel, in Blore's crawling traffic.......
The honks and the snarls, the careless pedestrians' way thro the jigsaw puzzle,
The feeling that I wont be on time to meet Him,
To meet Him before he embarks on a long journey,
To meet Him to get His Blessings......The tension, The Apprehension......

!!!.....The immediate realization of the simplicity amidst the complexity......!!!

The smile !!! :)

The Smile, filled with warmth and pride which HE gave, when he came to know that the money was earned by me..... PRICELESS !!!!

These are just among some very few things in Life, which makes it worth living :)

Peace !!


Back to the Roots !!!

Yes..... after trying out a number of difft fonts, templates, colors and styles, I've reverted back to the original style.....

......some things are best kept the way they originally were.......


Something to call "My Own" !!!!

Yes !!!!

Finally it has happened !!!!

Wondering what ????? chk this out (the result Google God gives when u search for a quote) !!!!!!

A one liner, which I can claim, MY OWN !!!!! an absolute original !!!

"If at all I knew the source code of my life, debugging it would've been much simpler !!!!! "

an ego boost ???? i dont think so :)


From Black to White.....

Why the change ?????

When almost everything else in life is changing.....Y not this too ??????


P.S I am gonna keep on changing the templates and the backgrounds, until i find the perfect combo !!



U know U havent done any mistake.......................But U could've prevented a disaster from happenin,
U know U tried to stop it from happening..............But ppl dont know it,
U know U were not involved....................................But U knew it was happening,
U know U didnt want it to happen.......................... But who the hell listens to U ?,
U know that U are sorry for the whole ordeal...... But ppl dont listen,
U know that U are not wrong...................................But ppl have their own perceptions

Isnt this a torture in itself ???? When u know that there has been a BIG mistake.....and there is NOTHING anyone in particular can do abt it........??? The only solace is in the person forgiving the lesser mortals.... But is it that easy ??!!!

The situation is further complicated with the increase in the number of people who come to know abt the situation..... a couple of them genuinely interested to solve, but a majority, just plain curious ...!!!

The End Result ....................

...........................The change in the perception of the people..........

How do I even Explain !!!???? Do I even need to Explain ???!!! !.!


The Differences ????

Out of the several Billion ppl on this earth, how is it tat NONE of us are even remotely alike ??? i mean, both physically and in the mental make up..... or are we all so blinded, tat we fail to see the striking similarities within us all????

I mean, after all, we ALL are humans, and as Swji says "Each soul is potentially divine" .....

......The thought bothering me is.......Why do we get happiness out of the failure of another person ??? Why is it that instead of trying to improve our weaknesses, we try to increase other ppl's weaknesses ??? Why is it that we tend to talk (esp bad, and rarely good) abt others behind their backs ??? why do we fail to realize that "we" who talk such stuff, are a part of the same society, the same being about whom we are talking..... After all, what is it that we gain out of the whole ordeal ????

NOTHING ... !!!!

Well, if we consider, getting a lil bit of praise from our (like minded) peers, a lil boost to our own stupid ego or even worse, if we tend to show ourselves as some sort of "Heros" before our peers, then i am sorry, we still have a Looooong way to go in life........and a lot of things to learn from it too.......

Cant we just take the person for whom he/she is ??? are we so self centered , that we expect the other person to act according to OUR wishes ??? How would we feel if someone spoke/spread rumours abt us ??? ever wondered abt that ???

Who teaches us all these things ??? i dont remember any lesson in our text books which taught us these values.... then y is it that most of us pick up the bad part so easily and fail to realize the existance of the good part ??? Does a new born baby come programmed with all these subtle values, and forgets it as it grows up, or do we never learn these things ???

I always wonder...... But all i can pray for, is this :

Dhiyo Yo Nah Prachodayat.......

: the intellect,understanding
Yo: May this light
Nah: our
Prachodayath: enlighten,guide,inspire

May this light enlighten/guide/inspire our intellect/understanding......

Amen !!!