

The silence was wat i was craving for...........

One cold Bangalore evening, the feeling of loneliness in the crowd, the contemplative mood, one huge rock, a light drizzle .....and the best company of all......MY THOUGHTS....

A perfect setting for me to get on to some serious thinking.....and oh man....did i think...!!!!

Sitting there, on the Sarada Devi rock, behind the prayer hall of RK Aashram, i got the answers i was looking for.....the answers, for which i had to dig deep....

The sweet sound of the gong brought me bak to the not so sweet reality of life.......but it sure had woken up a much different ME :)

As the Vedantists say........ We are all eternally free, but temporarily bound ......my brain agrees totally..... if only my heart felt tat way......

dont be :)


Harsha.Kulkarni said...

I too agree to you...
Specially to this "We are all eternally free, but temporarily bound"

If you think more deeply...we all are bound because we dont want to get free...is that rite ???

Unknown said...

last time i was in |RK ashram it was serene .
But i always felt tat it would lose the charm cuz of the traffic and other pollutants , but its good to know that its still the same